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Employee Engagement in Animal Health: Better Than the Average Bear
Employee engagement: We hear about it from leaders in animal health every day. Every manager wants a team of engaged employees. Every leader wants a company filled with engaged teams, led by managers who are themselves committed success.
At Animal Health Jobs, we measure employee engagement in animal health using surveys like our 2023 Animal Health Jobs Attitudinal Survey (INSERT LINK TO WHITE PAPER}. A new report from Gallup2 allows us to compare animal health employee engagement to that of the broader US workforce. How does our industry stack up?
Animal health associates are more positive
According to Gallup’s results, 28% of North American employees would recommend their company as a good place to work. The picture in animal health is far brighter: in our survey, 68% of respondents working in animal health say they would recommend their place of work.
Animal health is a genuinely happy industry: of our respondents currently working in the industry, 59% were happy at work, and 80% see a bright future for the industry. In fact, on a 10-point scale, our respondents currently working in animal health rated themselves significantly happier than did their counterparts. These results are consistent with our previous surveys.3,4
Gallup’s report trumpets an all-time high engagement score for employees worldwide of 23%; in North America, only 31% of employees were engaged.2 Based on our data, animal health employees are far more likely to be engaged, with the industry if not with their current job.
Job jumpers are everywhere
Both the Gallup report and our Animal Health Jobs survey agree: many employees are looking for new jobs. Gallup reports that 49% of their respondents are watching for or actively looking for their next opportunity2.
Roughly the same number (47%) of our participants working in animal health are actively looking for their next role; another 37% are open to hearing spontaneously about new opportunities. Much of the US workforce is ready to jump, and animal health has its share of these kangaroo candidates.
Should I stay or should I go?
Managers must understand employees’ reasons for staying in or leaving a job. Gallup asked their respondents why they left their last job, and the results were fascinating. Only 20% left for better pay or benefits.2
Managers take note: 80% of people left for reasons that were not directly related to compensation. When we asked people working in animal health to rank four factors that led them to stay in their jobs, compensation ranked second, behind meaningful work.1
Gallup’s study also found that, while 59% of North American respondents are looking for better compensation in their next job, 63% are seeking a better work-life balance.
Keeping animal health a better place to be
Comparing our results to those of Gallup, we conclude that animal health employees are happier and more engaged than those in other industries. Keeping it this way is the responsibility of each and every one of us.
Animal health companies owe their employees respect, support, and time to rest and recharge, so that they can stay excited and engaged by their work. They can then give their all, make those crirical connections with colleagues and customers, and sustain the special animal health culture.
Are you looking for candidates with a passion for animal health? They are looking for you at Animal Health Jobs. Post your animal health job opening with us, or contact us for help with executive searches. Join the top animal health and animal nutrition companies at the premier jobs marketplace in animal health.
- Different Kettles of Fish: Results of the Animal Health Jobs Spring 2023 Attitudinal Survey. Available at:
- State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report Gallup, Inc. Available at
- Today Looks Good; Tomorrow Will be Even Better. Animal Health Jobs Survey of Candidate Attitudes About the Industry Spring 2021. Available at:
- Animal Health Jobs Spring 2022 Candidate Attitudinal Survey. Available at: