Animal Health Jobs started over fifteen years ago and while the mission has stayed the same, we have made a lot of improvements on how to deliver that mission. Our mission is to connect companies in the animal health and nutrition industries with talented and experience people that want a career. And now, we have a new, more engaging, and interactive platform to deliver the mission.

We know it is all about people-- that's what make companies great in this industry. And we know that the people have long lasting and rewarding careers in this industry-- we have lived it and studied it. As a partner with Brakke Consulting, we have been helping companies grow and succeed in this industry since 1986.  We have focused on this industry with consulting, market research, information and recruiting. And probably like you, we are excited to make a difference in people's lives that want to work in the animal health and nutrition industry.

Whether you are on the companion animal or the livestock side of the business, or on the veterinary or nutrition side of the business, Animal Health Jobs is dedicated to helping people and companies that are passionate about being successful.


Robert Jones, PhD- President of Brakke Consulting/ Animal Health Jobs

Bob has had a thirty-year career in animal health and is experienced in leading commercial organizations in both the US and international markets, particularly emerging markets. Bob has a great depth of knowledge in both the companion animal and food animal segments. Bob’s focus is on general and strategic consulting, with an emphasis on assisting all clients with assessments of their sales forces and improvements in their competitiveness through people as well as products.
Contact Bob Jones: 336-456-0583 or             
 Robert Watson Jones

Jeff Santosuosso- Executive Search Senior Consultant

Jeff Santosuosso leverages his 30 years' animal health experience to pinpoint and focus on individualized and specific client needs. With a broad background in commercial operations, licensing, and M&A, as well as general management, Jeff is particularly adept and experienced at helping businesses both large and small. His animal health experience includes global team and cross-functional team leadership, innovative go-to- market models, data-driven analysis and decision making, and new revenue and profit streams. With this experience, Jeff is able to help Animal Health Jobs clients find the talent they need to be competitive and successful in the dynamic animal health and nutritional industries.

Contact Jeff Santosuosso: 214.986.0672 or            
 Jeff Santosuosso


Amanda McDavid- Account Manager 

Amanda lives in Stokesdale, NC with her husband, three children, which includes twins, and her Shih-Tzu Ellie. Amanda is originally from eastern Tenessee where she earned a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Education. Amanda joined the Brakke team as an administrative manager in 2019 and became an account manager for Animal Health Jobs in 2021.

Contact Amanda McDavid: 252-203-0033 or     
Amanda McDavid